Other than recommended oil and filter changes,
the transaxles normally will not require servicing
during the entire life of the unit. Should other serv-
icing be required, the exterior of the transaxles will
need to be thoroughly cleaned before beginning
most procedures.
Do not wash the transaxle
while it is hot. Do not use a pressure washer to
clean the unit.
A few other warnings are listed below for the
WARNING! Do not attempt any serv-
icing or adjustments on the
transaxles or drive belt with the en-
gine running. Use extreme caution
while inspecting the drive belt assembly and
all MAGNATRAC linkage!
A cam style, block lifting bypass is utilized on the
transaxles to permit moving the vehicle for a short
distance at a maximum pulling speed of 2 mph,
without starting the engine. The brake must be
disengaged prior to actuating the bypass mecha-
WARNING! Actuating the bypass will
result in the loss of hydrostatic brak-
ing capacity. The machine must be
stationary, on a level surface and in
neutral when actuating the bypass.
A Transaxle Service & Repair Manual is included
in your MAGNATRAC Owner’s Manual. Explana-
tions for how to access your transaxle hydraulic
filters, and how to change the oil will be covered in
this manual section.
However, in some steps
outlined in the next few pages, you will be
asked to follow certain pages in the Transaxle
Service & Repair Manual.
Please contact our technical support team 1-877-
828-8323, if you feel you have a transaxle in need
of warranty service.
1. Use of components for purpose of repair other
than Genuine Hydro-Gear parts must be pre-au-
thorized in writing by Hydro-Gear to be elibible for
warranty consideratioin. Use of non-genuine
Hydro-Gear parts could damage the product, or
cause it to not operate properly or fail prematurely.
2. Repairs by other personnel other than as au-
thorized by Hydro-Gear must be pre authorized by
Hydro-Gear in wiriting to be eligible for warranty
3. Hydro-Gear does not provide warranty cover-
age for defects or damages caused by the use of
unauthorized parts or service.
Regular external maintenance of the transaxle
should include the following:
1. Check the oil level in accordance with
Change Procedure,” page 11, step 12 in your
Transaxle Manual.
2. Inspect the condition of the drive belt, idler pul-
ley(s), and idler spring(s). Insure that no belt slip-
page can occur. Belt slippage can cause low input
speed to the transaxle.
3. Inspect the MAGNATRAC control linkage to the
directional control arm on the transaxle. Also in-
sure that the control arm is securely fastened to
the trunnion arm of the transaxle.
4. Inspect the bypass mechanism on the
transaxle, and the MAGNATRAC linkage to insure
that both actuate and release fully.
The fluids used in your transaxles have been care-
fully selected, and only equivalent, or better prod-
ucts should be substituted.
Typically, an engine oil with a minimum rating of