Step 8:
Wrap a plasic bag around the end of the-
suciton hose, use a zip tie to secure, and support
suction hose so it is in a vertical position, not al-
lowing any fluid to leak out.
Step 9:
Remove the strainer, by using an ad-
justable crescent wrench, or a ratchet with a 1-1/2”
socket (if you remove the 90º fitting from the end
of the strainer).
Note: If you prefer to remove the
90º fitting, you will need to hold the strainer
with one wrench, and then turn the 90º fitting
with another wrench.
Step 10:
Once strainer is removed, take the old
teflon tape off of the threaded part of the strainer.
Clean the strainer with a non-flammable sol-
vent, such as brake cleaner. Wait for it to dry.
Step 11:
Wrap new teflon tape around the
threads, being careful not to get any excess over
the bottom of the threads. Repeat the same
process to the 90º fitting if you removed it from the
strainer, during Step 9.
Step 12:
Thread the strainer back into the tank.
Tighten using an adjustable crescent wrench, or a
ratchet with a 1-1/2” socket.
Note: Make sure this
connection is tight. If loose, hydraulic oil will
leak from the connection, and then you’ll have
to repeat the process with new teflon tape.
Step 13:
If you removed the 90º fitting in the pre-
vious steps, make sure to thread it back into the
strainer. Tighten with crescent wrench or 3/4”
wrench. See final angle of 90º fitting.
Note: Make
sure this connection is tight. If loose, hydraulic
oil will leak from the connection, and then
you’ll have to repeat the process with new
teflon tape.
Step 14:
Remove zip ties and plastic bag if used
in step 8. Work suction hose back onto 90º fitting
and position hose clamp as shown in the above
picture. Thread oil drain nut back onto tank.
Tighten the hose clamp and oil drain nut!
Hose Clamp
Suction Hose
90º Fitting
Teflon Tape
No Teflon Tape
Hose Clamp
Suction Hose
90º Fitting
Oil Drain
Oil Sight