Always keep the truck close to the operation and keep
cutting depth half the length of the truck bed.
Backgrade with the bucket occasionally, and approach
the bank with the bucket flat. Slight down pressure with
the bucket level helps keep the working area smooth.
Use the heel or low rear edge of the bucket for back-grad-
ing ruts, etc.
CAUTION: Exercise care when undercutting high
banks. Soil slides can be dangerous. Load from the
banks as low as possible for maximum efficiency.
Remember that loader lift and break-away capacities
diminish rapidly as loading height is increased.
Side-cutting is a good technique for cutting down a
large stockpile.
If the pile sides are too high and are likely to cave in,
use the loader to break them down.
Then, build a ramp by shovel-loading material from
the top until a work area is cut through the pile.
If stuck in a ditch...
...dump the bucket and apply down pressure to lift the
front of the tracks from the ditch. Actuate the bucket as
engine power is applied to move the unit backward.