Step 10:
Loosely, attach
Bolt - 5
through the
#4352R Idler Frame Assembly, then through
the bodywall. Attach a 5/16” Nut to the inside
of the body wall. See previous picture.
All bolts should be loose at this time.
Steps 6-10
to the other side of the tractor,
using the #4352L Idler Frame Assembly.
Step 11:
Drop in from above, (2) #4353 Shims
between the #4352R Idler Frame Assembly
and the right body wall.
Making sure the
openings are towards the bottom of the shims
when dropping them in. Shims are slotted, to
allow for bolt clearance. See picture below.
Step 12:
Drop in from above, (2) #4353
between the Track Expander and the
#4352R Idler Frame Assembly.
Making sure
the openings are towards the bottom of the
shims when dropping them in. See picture
Step 13:
Drop in from above, additional
#4353 Shims
on both sides, to allow ap-
prox. equal spacing between track
sprocket path an idler wheel path.
shims gently with hammer to allow them to “be
seated”. Don’t force excessive amount of
shims. See picture on the top of the next col-
Step 14:
Once happy with the spacing, make
sure to tighten all 5/16” and 3/8” Bolts and
Repeat Steps 11-14 for the opposite
side of the tractor.
If you loosened your tracks to gain greater
access to the area, please refer back to
page 51 - 54 to tension your tracks.
Idler Frame
Track Expander
(2) Shims
(2) Shims
Track Expander
Idler Wheel Path
Track Sprocket Path