Some of the most frequent defects and their causes are listed in the following chart. In case of other defects,
contact your dealer or the MAFELL customer service.
The determination of the causes of existing defects and their elimination always require increa-
sed attention and caution. Pull out the mains plug beforehand!
Machine cannot be switched on
No mains voltage
Check power supply
Carbon brushes worn
Take the machine to a MAFELL custo-
mer service agency
Machine switches itself off when idling
or while cutting is in progress
Mains failure
check backup fuse
Speed drops while cutting is in progress Cutting depth too great
Reduce cutting depth
Feedrate too fast
Reduce feedrate
Blunt router bit
Sharpen or replace router bit
Excessive speed, no jerk-free start or
electronic speed control not possible
Electronics defect
Take the machine to a MAFELL custo-
mer service agency
Unsatisfactory finish
Blunt router bit
Sharpen or replace router bit
Uneven feed
Cut with constant pressure and redu-
ced feedrate
Burn marks on the surfaces cut
The router bit used is unsuitable for the
task or blunt
Sharpen or replace router bit