Using the RemotingConnector in the CustomerInfoExampleCon application
The following section presents a sample application that uses the RemotingConnector
Using the RemotingConnector in the CustomerInfoExampleCon
The CustomerInfoExampleCon application, which this section describes, illustrates the following
Flash Remoting for Flash MX 2004 ActionScript 2.0 features:
Querying of a database (Microsoft Access) using ColdFusion Component (CFC)
Formatting and paging of a RecordSet result
Data binding using the RemotingConnector component
Specifying of the gateway URL using HTML
You can find the CustomerInfoExampleCon application in the following folders:
/Program Files/Macromedia/Flash MX 2004/en/First Run/RemotingSamples/Server
/Program Files/Macromedia/Flash MX 2004/en/First Run/RemotingSamples/Server
See the Readme.htm and RemotingCustomerExamplesWalkthrough.htm files in the
RemotingSamples folder for information on how to set up and use this sample application. You
can access the Flash and ActionScript files for this example in the Client subfolder, if you want to
make changes to it.
The following figure illustrates the user interface for the application. Based on the category that a
user selects in the Category list, the application returns a paged RecordSet object containing the
qualifying customers from the database. The application uses the RemotingConnector to bind
the data in the RecordSet object (ID, Active, Name, and Total Sales) to the corresponding
columns in the data grid. The Customer Detail section of the user interface displays a logo and
descriptive text about the customer that is currently selected in the DataGrid component.
Data is the result of remoting service call to
CFC that returns a paged record set.
Total number of customers for the current
Category list filters data in grid. List is
populated by remoting service call to CFC.
Loader displays images referenced by
URL in Access database.
Customer detail information is populated
from currently selected item in data grid.