Chapter 8: Using Flash Remoting for Microsoft .NET
function subtract():Number
return ( x - y );
function add():Number
return( x + y );
Viewing Flash Remoting log entries
Flash Remoting writes error messages to the flash.log file in the local assembly cache. You can
change the log file settings in the Windows Registry. The Flash Remoting registry keys are located
at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Macromedia\Flash Remoting\1\Registration.
The following table lists the Flash Remoting registry keys:
Registry key
Log File Size
Maximum number of bytes that the flash.log file can reach before Flash
Remoting stops writing entries. The default is 1 MB (1048576 bytes).
The current log file used by Flash Remoting is named flash.log. When a log
file reaches the file size limit, Flash Remoting saves the flash.log file as
flash-yyyyddmmhhmmss.log. Then, Flash Remoting creates a new flash.log
file and begins logging events to that file.
Log Level
Sets log message level, including Error (default), Warning, Information,
Debug, or None.