Error app_server event message 93
error app_server event type 90
error handling
error object 170
example 168
Fault object 170
hierarchy 170
in ColdFusion 117
strategies 171
error object, handling 170
event types, debugger 89
application server 93
client 92
ColdFusion 94
common debugger information 91
CustomerInfoExampleAPI 47
CustomerInfoExampleCon 57
helloWorld 31
helloWorld, steps to build 19
instructions 57
user interface 47, 57
fault handling
callback function 21
for helloWorld 21
Fault object, handling 170
FaultEvent class
importing 35
using 46
application, building 16, 19
ASP.NET pages, calling from 147
authoring environment 16
custom tag, properties 146
web services, calling from 156
XML object, returning to 141
Flash Communication Server
debugging 91
NetConnection Debugger events 94
Flash MX UI components
using with RecordSet objects 83
Flash Player requirement 30
Flash Professional
RemotingConnector 53
Flash Remoting
about 13
ActionScript classes 32
advantages 13
application structure 30
architecture 14
building Flash applications with 16
building the Flash application 19
configuring 36
custom server control, using in ASPX pages 149
development environment 16
for .NET 143
making a service request 17
namespace, using in code-behind files 150
on application server 14
sample application, building 18
service adapters 16
using 17
Flash Remoting components
ActionScript classes 34
authenticating Flash movies 40, 165
creating the service object 39
overview 30
Flash Remoting MX
.NET framework 144
ADO.NET objects, using with 153
and data types 63
ASP.NET state management, using with 151
ColdFusion components and 105
ColdFusion MX and 97
ColdFusion pages and 97
ColdFusion results, accessing 102
EJBs, using with 128
for Java, overview 120
Java classes and JavaBeans, using with 121
JMX, using with 134
JRun security with 139
server-side ActionScript, using with 111, 135
servlets and JSPs, using with 132
web services, ColdFusion 115
XML and Java 140
Flash scope 99
Flash service name
ColdFusion components 105
ColdFusion pages 97
Flash.Pagesize 99
Flash.Params 99
ActionScript objects and 101
parameter referencing 99
using 99
Flash.Result 99
flashcomm_server NetConnection Debugger event
types 91