Flash Remoting for Microsoft .NET
The facade
structural design pattern can be particularly useful with Flash Remoting by reducing
the number of remote method calls required in a Flash application. You can use a service facade to
provide a single point of contact to a set of ASPX pages or DLL methods. You can call methods
on a DLL facade that is capable of calling various methods on several other DLLs, ASPX pages, or
web services, depending on the user’s current context in the application. This pattern reduces
network traffic and makes it easier to support different types of clients, change the enterprise data
model, or change the server implementation.
For more information on the .NET architecture and design patterns, go to
Understanding the Flash Remoting for Microsoft .NET directory structure
To enable an ASP.NET application with Flash Remoting, you place the Flash Remoting assembly
in the application’s local assembly cache (bin directory) and register the assembly in the
application’s web.config file. In the simplest form, your ASP.NET application directory structure
might look like this: