Chapter 5: Designing the Presentation Experience
Next to the Logo text box, click Browse.
Navigate to the location of the logo file you want to use (JPG or PNG format).
A logo size of 148 x 52 (pixels) is recommended so that the logo appears properly in the
theme and the Breeze Presenter viewer.
Select the file and click Open.
The name of the file is displayed in the Logo text box and a preview of the logo appears on the
right side.
Click OK.
To preview the custom logo, publish your presentation locally and view the results. (In
PowerPoint, select Breeze menu > Publish. Select My Computer and click Publish.)
Including slide notes in presentations
You can include extra notes about a slide in your final presentation. Users view the notes by
clicking on the Notes pane in the viewer sidebar. Slide notes are a good location for extra
information about a slide such as numerical details, supporting materials, or footnote text. You
can also use slide notes to communicate with users who do not have audio capabilities or are
hearing impaired. You create slide notes in PowerPoint.
The notes appear in the Breeze Presenter viewer as unformatted text. Any formatting applied
to notes in the PowerPoint note pane is ignored.
To create slide notes:
In PowerPoint, open a presentation (PPT file).
Navigate to a slide for which you want to add a note.
Ensure that you are in Normal or Notes Page view.