Chapter 4: Adding Quizzes
In the LMS Customization Settings area, set the following options:
Never Send Resume Data
Select this option if you do not want resume data to be sent to
your LMS. This might be useful if your LMS does not support resume data or another
mechanism to prevent users from returning to a quiz they started, but did not finish, across
multiple sessions. For example, a user completes 4 questions out of 8 and then closes the
presentation. If you select this option, when the user opens the presentation again they must
provide answers to all 8 questions—their answers from the first session are not remembered in
the Breeze Presenter presentation. This option can be used when publishing and playing back
content from any AICC or SCORM compliant learning management system.
Presentations that are part of a Breeze training course or curriculum are always
automatically resumed. If the presentation is viewed using the Content tab, it is never resumed/
Escape Version and Session ID
This option is selected by default. Keep this option
selected if you want Breeze Presenter to URL-encode (escape) the version and session ID when
sending data to an AICC compliant learning management system. This is useful if your
learning management system does not accept URL-encoded information for these fields.
Deselect this option if you do not want to URL-encode (escape) the version and session ID.
Don’t Escape Characters
This option lets you specify that Breeze Presenter should not
URL-encode (escape) the value fields in parameters when data is sent to an AICC compliant
learning management system. In the text box, type in the characters (without any delimiters
such as spaces or commas) that the learning management system does not want escaped. For
example, if the LMS does not want any numbers escaped, type in 0123456789.
Click OK to finish setting the custom LMS settings and close the Quiz Manager.