Publishing to a Macromedia Breeze server
Logging in to Breeze
The next step in publishing a presentation is to log in to your Breeze account. You must have an
account and the correct security permissions before publishing a presentation. (To obtain
permission to create and update presentations, contact your Breeze administrator.)
To log in to Breeze:
On the Macromedia Breeze Login screen, log in to Breeze using your login name (usually your
account e-mail address).
Enter your password.
Click Login.
The Set Presentation Location dialog box appears.
The next section explains how to select a location in which to save a presentation.
Selecting a presentation save location
The third step in publishing a presentation is to select a location in your Breeze account in which
to store the presentation. After you log in to Breeze, your personal user folder in the Content
library appears. Select a location in your Breeze Account library for the presentation.
The Content library displays only your Breeze presentations. Other Breeze content, including
SWF files, FLA files, and JPG files, are not displayed when you view the Content library.
If you have already published the presentation to the server, you are prompted to save over the
previous version or to save the presentation to a new location.
To select a save location in Breeze for a presentation:
In the Set Presentation Location dialog box, navigate to the folder within your Breeze Account
library in which to store the presentation.
To open a folder and display its contents, click the name of a folder. The folders and files
within that folder are displayed. The navigation path for links near the top of the browser
window is updated to indicate the directory path to the selected folder.
To publish changes to a presentation already located in the folder, click Update Existing
Presentation. The new version of the presentation overwrites the existing presentation.
To create a new folder, navigate to the location where you want to add a new folder, click
the New Folder button, enter a name for the new folder, and click Save.
You can create folders only if you have manage permissions for the parent folder.
To move up to the parent folder (the folder one level above the current folder), click the Up
One Level button in the navigation bar above the content list.
Click Publish to This Folder.
The Content Information dialog box appears.
The next section explains how to enter descriptive information for the presentation.