Setting audio quality for a presentation
To change how audio files are distributed across slides:
In the Audio Editor, click a slide divider at the top of a red slide marker line and slide the
divider to the left or right.
The waveform remains static, but you can change where the audio file begins to play within
the presentation. This option is particularly useful if you have a long audio file and need to
experiment with assigning the file to one slide or having it play over multiple slides.
To listen to an audio file:
In the Audio Editor, click a location within the waveform and then click Play in the lower-left
corner of the Audio Editor dialog box or press the spacebar on your keyboard.
The audio plays from the location you selected to the end of all audio in the presentation. (You
can stop the playback at any time by clicking Stop in the lower-left corner of the Audio Editor
dialog box or pressing the spacebar on your keyboard.)
To zoom in on a particular area of the waveform:
In the Audio Editor, click the waveform and then click the Zoom In or Zoom Out icon in the
toolbar. (Alternatively, click in the waveform and roll your mouse wheel to zoom in and out).
The scale at which you are viewing the waveform is shown in the Scale information box in the
lower-right corner of the dialog box.
After you have added audio files to your presentation, you can use the Audio Editor to cut or copy
entire audio files or portions of audio files and paste them in a new location.
To cut or copy and paste audio:
In the Audio Editor, select a section of an audio file directly on the waveform, click Cut or
Copy, click a different location on the waveform, and click Paste.
To delete an entire audio file or portion of an audio file:
In the Audio Editor, select a section of an audio file directly on the waveform and click Delete.
To import an audio file into a presentation:
In the Audio Editor, click a location within the waveform, select Insert Recording (lower-left
corner), navigate to a file, and click Open.
The audio file is imported directly into the presentation in the location you specified.
Setting audio quality for a presentation
You can set the audio quality level for a presentation. Generally, you want to set the quality as
high as possible within an acceptable file-size limitation. Because a higher quality results in a
larger file size, you should experiment to achieve the correct balance between quality and file size.
(The default setting is Medium.)
To set audio quality:
In PowerPoint, open a presentation (PPT file).
From the Breeze menu, select Preferences.
Select the Quality tab.