User Guide
Copy Factory Presets to User (Message ID 19)
This message instructs Black Box to copy all factory presets to the corresponding user presets. Also, all main parameters are
reinitialized to their default settings.
1111 0000
System Exclusive (SysEx) ID
0000 0000
M-Audio ID byte 1 = 00h
0000 0001
M-Audio ID byte 2 = 01h
0000 0101
M-Audio ID byte 3 = 05h
0000 0001
Black Box family code LSB (always 01h)
0000 0000
Black Box family code MSB (always 00h)
0000 0010
Black Box family member ID LSB = 02h
0000 0000
Black Box family member ID MSB = 00h
0001 0011
Message ID for “Copy Factory Presets to User”
1111 0111
End of Exclusive (EOX)
: Black Box requires nearly a full second to copy all presets. Any messages received while Black Box is still saving the presets will be
ignored. After the external device sends this message, it should either wait a full second or wait until a “Save Complete” (ID 17) is returned
before sending any further messages.
Copy User Presets to Factory (message ID 20)
This message instructs Black Box to copy all user presets to the corresponding factory presets.
1111 0000
System Exclusive (SysEx) ID
0000 0000
M-Audio ID byte 1 = 00h
0000 0001
M-Audio ID byte 2 = 01h
0000 0101
M-Audio ID byte 3 = 05h
0000 0001
Black Box family code LSB (always 01h)
0000 0000
Black Box family code MSB (always 00h)
0000 0010
Black Box family member ID LSB = 02h
0000 0000
Black Box family member ID MSB = 00h
0001 0100
Message ID for “Copy User Presets to Factory”
1111 0111
End of Exclusive (EOX)
: Black Box requires nearly a full second to copy all presets. Any messages received while Black Box is still saving the presets will be
ignored. After the external device sends this message, it should either wait a full second or wait until a “Save Complete” (ID 17) is returned
before sending any further messages.