User Guide
Tuner Function
Tuner Function
Pressing the Utility and Delay buttons simultaneously will engage the Black Box’s built-in instrument tuner. This is a tuner sensitive
enough for any guitar or bass. Play a note and it will be displayed in the LCD with a pair of arrows to either side. More arrows on
the left side than the right indicate that the note is flat; more arrows on the right side than the left indicate that it is sharp. When all
four arrows are displayed, two on either side of the note, then you are perfectly in tune for the note displayed. Pressing any button
will exit the tuner function.
How to Store and Name a Preset
When browsing presets, the Preset icon will be displayed along with the User icon (if a user preset is selected). The preset name
will also be shown in the LCD. Anytime a change is made to a preset, the Edit icon will display letting you know that you must store
the change if you wish to keep the changes. To engage the Store function, press the Preset Increment and Preset Decrement keys
simultaneously. When the Store function is engaged, the Preset Number icon will blink and the first three characters of the preset
name will blink. To rename the preset, turn the first three rotary knobs to change the values of the first three characters. The fourth
rotary knob is used to switch between editing the first three and the last three characters. Turning it to the left selects the first three
characters. Turning the encoder to the right selects the last three characters. You can then use the Preset Increment and Preset
Decrement keys to select a different preset number to store to. If a factory preset was being edited, the same-numbered user preset
will be selected. When the Preset Increment and Preset Decrement keys are again pressed simultaneously, all of the current values
will be stored to the newly selected user preset, and the Preset Number icon will stop blinking. The newly written preset will now
be loaded.
Initializing Black Box to Factory Settings
To completely initialize Black Box to its new factory-delivered settings, hold Utility and Start while connecting power. This will copy
the factory presets over the user presets and set all global settings to factory status. The global settings are:
Active Preset
Active Drumbeat
Guitar/Drums Balance
Footswitch 1 Assignment
Footswitch 2 Assignment
Noise Gate
Link Drumbeat Yes/No
Tempo Source (Preset, Drumbeat or Global)
Global Tempo