LX Zeus v 3.4.3
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GPS signal for navigation
Both GPS input connectors are wired to LX Zeus microcontroller module that prepares an integral GPS
signal for the main computer. So, the computer will be supplied with valid GPS signal as long as one GPS
receiver delivers valid data. A symbol that is positioned in the right upper corner of the display shows GPS
signal status:
green GPS OK
white symbol with
means no GPS data present
7 LX Zeus and Colibri II
Colibri II and LX Zeus build a
compact system
that offers that all commands connected with flight recorder
can be sent from Zeus. LX Zeus is master and Colibri II is slave. This organization philosophy makes it
possible to install Colibri II in a place where the pilot is not able to provide manipulation and also does not
need to see the display
. As long as it’s a position which ensures good GPS reception. It is absolutely
necessary to use Colibri II version 1.90 or higher. Colibri II has also an ENL sensor built IN, so each unit
comes with ENL.
Colibri II power management
Immediately after LX Zeus receives is powered, the Colibri II will automatically switch
, without any pilot
After landing
Colibri II will
remain ON,
as long as Zeus will be powered. When Zeus will be
switched off, Colibri II will remain on for a limited time and will switch off after approximately 5 minutes
(some beeps from Colibri II will be heard as a signal, which means that Colibri II will switch off). Colibri II is
charged permanently from Zeus and this ensures that the Colibri II battery will be always full. When for
some reason battery power is lost on Zeus during flight, Colibri II will continue to record the flight for up to
15 more hours.
Colibri II - Zeus interaction
After connection between Colibri II and LX Zeus is established both units start to communicate using a
special LX protocol where the baud rate is 115 000 baud per second. The connection is established fully
automatic without pilot interaction.
Commands and declaration transfer to Colibri II
After power ON and connection between both units is established following data is sent to Colibri II:
pilot data: immediately after
pilot name
during booting (also pilot 2 name in case of a
recording interval
which is set in Zeus at the
other data
connected with recording (Event…)
data of actual
selected task
(the task will