LX Zeus v 3.4.3
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– no circling method needed (shows difference between GS and IAS)
Time for straight flight:
time in seconds that will be taken for one measurement (valid for straight
model). Longer period means better result. Valid only for Compass method and not for Component.
Drift circles:
means how many circles are required to calculate the position drift.
Compass assistant:
is a special symbol that appears on the display and helps to keep flight
parameters (speed and direction) stable during calculation.
Manual wind settings
Set manually - user can set manually wind speed and direction
Influence of wind in final glide
The actual wind data (speed and direction) influences the final glide calculation. In task mode the final glide
indication is based on remaining distance over all TP until finish (not over already flown turn points). Wind
influence for individual legs is based on actual wind data. Using of component method will define wind
direction on actual track and this value will be taken into final glide calculation.
Graphics (User Interface)
In User interface the pilot can adjust most of graphics,
except for the layout which has its own menu. All
settings are saved to currently selected pilot profile.
Map settings
Under map settings menu user can select map palette
colours, glider image, map orientation, distance circles on
the map, range… Map palette
To change map colours regarding to pilot personal
requirements, use this menu. There are 12 different map
schemes offered.
You can also edit 5 user defined map
The last option is to disable map (very useful if
you want to see only airspaces and task data).