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Approaching to the TP, NEAR message will inform the pilot that he is closing on the turnpoint. After the
message is displayed, the pilot is definitively sure that he has reached the observation zone (for inst. photosector).
The tasks are numerated from 00 to 99 and the turnpoints building a task from 0 up to 9. Point 0 is always start point
(departure). TSK select
All memorized tasks can be selected using the select procedure. The procedure is started after choosing the SELECT
and confirmed by ENTER.
To select a task rotate
and confirm with ENTER.
TSK edit
The active TSK can be edited at any time, on the ground or during the flight.
After the procedure is started all points of the TSK are shown. After choosing
invert Y
the task will be inverted. By
pressing ENTER on invert N or Y task edit procedure will follow.
is a very important setting. After set (CP) the final glide will be calculated around the turnpoint to the finish.
That means the final glide calculation is ready before the last turnpoint. To edit, select turnpoint with
and press
after SELECT new TP will replace the previous
after INSERT a new TP will be inserted one position higher
after DELETE the TP will be deleted from task