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is based on special algorithms. The inputs are groundspeed and TAS. The algorithms will calculate the wind
if the
glider is slowly changing his track
(not exactly straight flight) or by climbing.
is delivering only
wind component
(head or tail wind). The calculation is simply based on difference
GS-TAS. It works exclusively during straight flight.
is not a real calculation it allows the pilot simply to input the wind.
wind calculation method is available only with external compass device. On how to use the unit see
COMPASS manual.
TP (turnpoints)
The LX 7000 has memory to store up to 600 turnpoints. The turnpoint name can have max. 8 characters (letters or
numbers). The menu structure is the same like by APT that means four pages. To add a turnpoint into the database
select one of these four ways:
Copy from APT
Data transfer from PC, LX20, Colibri (well known DA4 format)
Memorizing of actual position
TP select
The procedure is similar to the procedure selecting APT. After pressing ENTER menu for SELECT, EDIT, NEW,
DELETE, TEAM and WIND will open. To select turnpoint simple replace stars with the first letters of the TP.
The LX 7000 is able to sort the turnpoints under distance too (definition in setup). Using sorting by distance the
nearest TP will
appear after selection (all stars confirmed with ESC). To search for the TP use
and confirm with
ENTER. Default setting is sorting by alphabet.
It is also possible to select TP by
using ZOOM
selector. It works exclusively from
the first page.
To change the TP
simply rotate the ZOOM selector.
Using this function the pilot is able to change TP data any time. The turnpoints in LX 7000 have four attributes.
Using attributes the turnpoints will appear in the graphic screen marked with special symbols.
The four different types of turnpoints are as follows:
T.POINT normal TP not landable
AIRFIELD landable airfield
OUTLAND landable outlanding place
MARKER not landable (will disappear after switching OFF)
TP having
airfield and outland attribute are landable
and shown in the NEAR AIRPORT mode. In front of the
name the pilot will find the symbol to know what kind of landing place it is (see NEAR).