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LX 7000 IGC activates event in Colibri BB automatically after activation on LX 7000 unit digital (EVENT key
pressed) happens.
The following parameters can be redefined using this setting.
VARIO FIL: damping of vario indicator 0,5 up to 5, a normal setting would be 3
VARIO INT: vario average time, 20 seconds default
VARIO RNG: vario range
TAB: audio dead zone by speed command
AUTO SC: speed command change-over automatic
OFF only with external switch
GPS, after climbing (circling) is detected using GPS, an automatically change over will happen
IAS in 5 km/h steps from 100 up to 160 km/h
WIND/COMPASS: compass is an optional device which can be connected to the LX 7000 485 bus. The device
delivers magnetic track, using compass an additional wind calculation method can be used. The method needs a
straightaway flight. The time for calculation is set using this menu (normal 15 seconds). Longer time means a
better wind calculation.
The contrast depends on the viewing angle of the pilot. To adjust it use this setting.
To change the contrast rotate