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The same logic is taken by displaying of turnpoints.
There are four types of turnpoints and each type has different symbol on the screen.
T. POINT, simple turnpoint
(landing isn't possible)
AIRPORT, turnpoint with all airport functions
OUTLAND, turnpoint as an outlanding place
MARKER, is not a permanent turnipoint, is deleted after the instrument is switched off. It can be used to mark
thermals for instance.
The turnpoints marked landable will appear in the NEAR AIRPORT, displayed with corresponding symbols in front
of the name (airport, outlanding).
LX 7000 delivers position data in NMEA form to other navigation devices in the cockpit if necessary.
All NMEA sentences are not active in default setting, that means the pilot has to activate them if necessary.
Normally GGA, RMC, and RMB are used. The pilots using Winpilot should
activate LXWP_ also.
The data is available like Tx line on 9P sub D connector marked RS 232, see wiring.
The speed of data transfer between LX 7000 and other devices (PC, LX 20 or Colibri) can be adjusted in this menu.
It is very important that both devices have the
same communication speed.