a: 14203 Minuteman Drive, Suite 201, Draper, UT 84020-1685 | luxul.com | 801-822-5450
LUX-UG-XBR-2300 Vers: 07314
Enable PPTP:
Enables the PPTP VPN Server
Maximum Connections:
The maximum number of supported concurrent PPTP VPN
PPTP Server Address:
The address you would like the PPTP VPN server to run on.
This is typically configured as a local IP not currently in use on the Network
Client DHCP Address Range:
The available internal IP Addresses available to VPN
clients must be exact eight addresses
128-bit Encryption:
Enables the PPTP VPN encryption. Both the Client and Server
must have encryption enabled to create a connection. The XBR-2300 supports 128-bit
data encryption
5.7.2 PPTP Users
This section allows the creation of accounts that can be used by the PPTP clients to
connect to the server.
User Name:
User name to connect to the PPTP Server
Password to connect to the PPTP Server
Confirm Password:
Re-confirm the Password for connecting to the PPTP Server
Client is Local Network:
Select the access mode of the PPTP Client. The VPN Server
can be set to allow access to a single IP or to the entire internal network