LION Bus Coupler
Telegram Settings
For each created telegram a new node in the project tree is created. To edit the
telegram settings select it. The configuration of the telegram is shown depending
on the type of telegram (process or message data).
In Source Telegrams the destination specifies the Network member where the
message is sent to. This can be also a multicast group.
In Sink Telegrams the Destination is used to specify the multicast group the
telegram is sent to by the publisher. The bus coupler will join this group and
receive telegrams sent to that mutlicast group.
Caution: The bus coupler can not determine the destination address of each
telegram. If a telegram with a comId that the bus coupler can process is sent to a
mutlicast group the bus coupler has joined but, the telegram is processed no
matter if the destination address is set in this specific telegram.
Timeout [us]
Time after which the Validity Behaviour takes effect if no
telegram was received.
If set to 0 the default value will be used.
Sink Telegrams only
Cycle [us]
Cycle time for sending the telegram
Source Telegrams only
Set to 0 for PULL Telegram.
Validity Behaviour Behaviour if the sink telegram hits the receiving Timeout
Zero - mapped outputs will be set to 0
Keep - mapped outputs will be kept in their current state
Name of the destination (for documentation only)
IP Address or URI of the receiving device