Application Note #428
Lutron Technical Support Center
Information Display Sequence
1. Tap the same button in a column 20 times consecutively. This will cause status LEDs to begin
2. The first 3 times the status LEDs flash consecutively, they are showing the code revision of the
wallstation (with the format x.yz).
A number “0” is displayed not by zero flashes, but instead by a quick sequential flash of status
LEDs from the bottom to top of the column (for 1 second).
• Once the user has tapped the same button of a column 20 consecutive times, the column
will enter information display mode and the status LEDs will immediately begin flashing
consecutively “x” amount of times.
• Count the “x” number of flashes.
• A short pause will occur, then the status LEDs will flash consecutively for the second time
(6 seconds after entering information display mode), “y” amount of times.
• Count the “y” number of flashes.
• A short pause will occur, then the status LEDs will flash consecutively for the third time
(12 seconds after entering information display mode) “z” amount of times.
• Count the “z” number of flashes.
• Once the user has reached this step, the wallstation has shown the full number
(x, y, z) representing the code revision of the wallstation.
3. The next time the status LEDs flash consecutively, they are showing the type hardware inside the
• A short pause will occur, then the status LEDs will flash consecutively for the fourth time
(18 seconds after entering information display mode), for “n” amount of times.
• Count the “n” number of flashes.
• The “n” number of flashes represents the following:
Hardware Type
V1 Hardware, NOT HomeWorks
QS enabled
V2 Hardware, NOT HomeWorks
QS enabled
V1 Hardware, HomeWorks
QS enabled
V2 Hardware, HomeWorks
QS enabled
• Once the user has reached this step, the wallstation has shown the number representing the
type of hardware inside the wallstation.
(continued on next page...)