User's manual
– Rotation speed measurement. Additional frequency
– Counter working with the encoder.
* – Pulse counter with frequency measurement. The
mode dedicated for the meters, it is possible to determine the
flow rate in addition to counting. For example, the meter
works with a flow meter, counts the pulses from the flow
meter and converts the flow rate.
– Bidirectional working time counter.
– Bidirectional timer expressed in seconds with a
resolution of 1 millisecond.
* – Real-time clock
* - only available for the first channel INP 1
Selection of the basic method of measuring
quantity conversion. Multiplication or division
by the value defined by CONSt parameter.
Default: DIV
– division by a constant.
– multiplication by a constant.
Constant rescaling the measuring value. The
measuring value is multiplied or divided by this
value depending on SCAL setting. Entering a
negative value in the counter modes causes
the counter to count down.
Default: 1
For counting up, the setting value determines
the value up to which the counter will be
counting. The counter is automatically reset
and counting starts from zero after reaching
this value.
For counting down, the setting value
determines the initial value of the counter after
a reset. During counting down, the counter will
automatically return to the value set in
when the counter reaches the value 0.
The value determines the encoder counter
range for the encoder mode. The encoder
counts to CAUTO value and then resets for the
clockwise direction of the encoder rotation. The
counter counts down to 0 and then sets CAUtO
value for the counterclockwise direction of the
encoder rotation.
Default: 999999
Minimum duration of a low level on meter input
before it is considered as the low level. Pulses
with a shorter low level duration are ignored.
The value is expressed in microseconds for
CntF mode. And the setting is expressed in
milliseconds for CNT SL mode.
Default: 0
Note: Entering a duration time below 50 ms disables the low
level filtering function.
Minimum duration of a high level on meter
input before it is considered as the high level.
Pulses with a shorter low level duration are
The value is expressed in microseconds for
CntF mode. And the setting is expressed in
milliseconds for CNT SL mode.
Default: 0
Note: Entering a duration time below 50 ms disables the high
level filtering function.
Permission to control the counter using the
meter buttons.
Default: ON
– Control enabled. The following actions can be
performed using the meter buttons: Start, Stop and Reset of
the counter.
– Control disabled.
Note: The setting only applies to the inputs set as the counter
Measurement time. The setting determines the
period of measurement (gating) during the
frequency or period measurements. It also
determines the maximum duration time of the
measurement and limits the measurement of
low frequencies. The period of the measuring
signal must be shorter than the measurement
The setting defines for the counter type inputs
Default: 10
1...600 – The value is expressed as a multiple of 100 ms.
For example, the setting 10 sets the measurement time to 1
second and limits the frequency (period) measurement to the
waveforms higher than 1 Hz.