INFRATHERM pyrometer ISR 50-LO
Trouble shooting
Before sending the pyrometer for repair, try to find the error and to solve the problem with the help of the
following list.
Temperature indication too low
Incorrect alignment of the pyrometer to the object
New correct alignment to achieve the max. temperature signal (see 7.2)
Emissivity slope set too high
Set lower correct emissivity slope corresponding to the material (see 9.1.1)
Temperature indication too high
Emissivity slope set too low
Set lower correct emissivity slope corresponding to the material (see 9.1.1)
The measurement is influenced by reflections of hot machine parts
Use mechanical construction to avoid the influence of the interfering radiation (sighting tube)
Measuring errors
Indicated temperature is immediately 1° below beginning of temperature range. Contamination of the
lens or broken fibre.
Clean lens or control the fibre. Recommendation: use of air purge (see 6.4)
Indicated temperature is immediately 1° below beginning of temperature range, although the air purge
unit is used. Probably compressed air is not clean or air failed
Clean the lens and use clean, dry and oil free compressed air
Correct the connection of the cable shield (see 5)
Data format UPP
(Universal Pyrometer Protocol)
Via interface and a suitable communication software or via “Test” function of the InfraWin software (see 10.6
Basic settings
Test) commands can be exchanged directly with the pyrometer.
The data exchange occurs in ASCII format with the following transmission parameters:
The data format is: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, even parity (8,1,e)
The device responds to the entry of a command with: output (e.g. the measuring value) + CR (Carriage
Return, ASCII 13), to pure entry commands with "ok" + CR.
Every command starts with the 2-digit device address AA (e.g. "00").
This is followed by 2 small command
letters (e.g. "em" for level of emissivity
), finished with CR
This is followed, if necessary for that command, by the ASCII parameter "X". If this parameter "X" is omitted,
then the device resets with the current parameter.
A “?“ after the small command letters answers with the respective settings (only at setting commands, not at
enquiry commands).
Depending on the setting all temperature values will be read or send in °C or °F (exception is the command
gt and tm, see in the table).
Entry: “00em“ +
The emissivity setting (
) of the device with the address 00 is returned
Answer: “0970“ +
means Emissivity = 0.97 or 97.0%
Entry: “00em?“ +
The limits of the emissivity settings with the address 00 will be read
Answer: “00051000“ +
means Emissivity from 0005 to 1000
Reading tempera-
ture value:
Output: XXXXX (decimal, in 1/10 °C or °F)
(88880 = Temperature overflow)
Reading measuring
values (mono- and
ratio temperature)
Output: XXXXXYYYYY (decimal, in 1/10 °C or °F)
XXXXX = mono temperature
YYYYY = ratio temperature
Reading tempera-
ture value repeated:
XXX = 000 ... 999 (XXX = number of measuring values)