INFRATHERM pyrometer ISR 50-LO
The menu
Opens a saved file
Storage of measured values for further processing
Online measurement with color bar display
Online measurement with graphic display
Setting of the parameters of the instrument
Setting of interface, baud rate and pyrometer addresses (RS485)
Time interval between two measurements
Number of connected instruments (max. 2)
Listing of measured or stored values in tabular form
Processing of measured (stored) readings in graph form
Processing of measured (stored) readings in a text file
Calculation of spot sizes in various measuring distances
Only if available: controls the programmable controller PI 6000
Before using the software, the serial interface connected to the pyrometer has to be selected under
the Computer icon. For two devices using the RS232 interface, two PC interfaces must be used.
Two devices using RS485 may be operated simultaneously by the same interface, if two different
addresses have been properly entered (see
9.8 Address).
Number of devices
With a click on “Number of devices” InfraWin changes to the display of 1 or 2 devices. If 2 devices
are selected, always 2 windows are displayed for settings or evaluation.
Basic settings
Under pyrometer parameters all preset values
can be displayed and modified if necessary.
Note: If the window pyrometer parameters is
displayed, changing of settings on the pyrometer
is blocked.
The window pyrometer parameter contains all parameter
settings described in section 9, Parameters.
“Basic range displays the total range of the pyrometer
automatically and cannot be changed. If the sub range
is changed, the new values must be verified with “OK”
Under “Material“ you have the possibility to store the
names of different measuring objects with their emis-
sivity values and to recall them from the list.
A setting of the emissivity slope is only possible in
ratio mode, the setting of the emissivity is only possi-
ble in 1-channel mode.