INFRATHERM pyrometer ISR 50-LO
Analog output (0...20 mA / 4...20 mA)
The analog output has to be selected according to the signal input of the connected
instrument (digital display, controller, PLC, etc.).
Subrange (from / to)
You have the opportunity to choose a subrange (minimum 51°C) within the basic temperature range of the
pyrometer. This subrange corresponds to the analog output. “from“ describes the beginning of this tempera-
ture range, “to“ the end of the range.
Additionally with the setting of a subrange it is possible to fulfill the requirements of the “auto” clear mode of
the maximum value storage (see above).
Switch-off level (IntensMin [%])
The switch-off level is a function to avoid measuring errors caused by too low signals.
Ratio pyrometers are able to measure temperatures correctly even with very low sig-
nals, i.e. for example through a dirty viewing window or if dust exists in the field of view
or if the spot is not filled by the measuring object. If the signal is too low for a correct
measurement, the pyrometer interrupts the measurement and displays 1° below of beginning of the tempera-
ture range. Depending of the application the switch-off limit can be adjusted between 2 and 50%, ex works at
delivery set to 10%. The signal strength can be readout on the display in the converter (see 9.1.2) or via the
software InfraWin (see 10.7).
Note: The smaller the signal strength the higher the chance that daylight or reflections affect a correct meas-
Contamination limit (WarnLevel [%])
The pyrometer is equipped with a contamination monitoring system. Contamination of
lens or sighting window or dust in the sighting path of the pyrometer can interfere the
signal in such a high level that a correct temperature measurement will be impossible
(this can also happen if the object is smaller than the spot size of the pyrometer). To
avoid wrong measurements in advance, a warning signal can be set to a certain contamination level. If con-
tamination reaches this level (or at a certain too low signal level), a built-in electronic relays (max switch
current 0.5 A, max switch power 60 V AC/DC) is switching and can be used to switch a warning signal. The
warning level can be set between 0 and 99%. For all settings below the adjusted value of the switch-off level
the lens contamination monitoring system is switched off (factory setting).
The lens contamination monitoring system is activated with the following conditions:
The clear time is not set to “extern“
The pyrometer is operating in RATIO mode
Address (Adr)
For the connecting of several pyrometers with RS485 with one serial interface it is
necessary to give each instrument an individual address for communication. First it is
necessary to connect each single instrument to give it an address. After that all instru-
ments can be connected and addressed individually. If parameters may be changed
simultaneously on all pyrometers, the global Address 98 can be used. This allows you to program all py-
rometers at the same time, regardless of the addresses that have already been assigned. If the address of a
pyrometer is unknown, it is possible to communicate with it using the global Address 99 (connect only one
Baud rate (Baud)
The transmission rate of the serial interface in Baud (Bd) is dependent on the length of
the cable. A standard cable length with RS232 for 19200 Bd is 7 m, with RS485 2 km.
The baud rate is reduced by 50% if the transmission distance is doubled.
0 ... 20 mA
4 ... 20 mA
1.2 kBd
115.2 kBd