IS 12-TSP / IGA 12-TSP Manual
Settings / parameter descriptions
Double Storage
When entering the reset intervals via push buttons or PC interface the
double storage is automatically selected. This mode utilizes two memories in
which the highest measured value is held and is deleted alternately in the
time interval set (clear time). The other memory retains the maximum value
throughout the next time interval. The disadvantages of fluctuations in the
display with the clock frequency are thereby eliminated.
The maximum value storage follows the function of adjustment of exposition time.
This results in:
Clear time
the adjusted response time is useless
Clear times must be at least 3 times longer than the response time
Only maxima with full maximum value can be recorded, which appear at least 3 times
longer than the response time.
FROM / TO (beginning and end of sub range)
You have the opportunity to choose a sub range (minimum 51 °C) within the basic measuring
range of the pyrometer. This sub range corresponds to the analog output. “FROM“ describes the
beginning of this meas-uring range, “TO“ the end of the range.
Additionally with the setting of a sub range it is possible to fulfill the requirements of the
“auto” clear mode of the maximum value storage (see above).
Analog Output
The analog output has to be selected according to the signal input of the
connected instrument (controller, PLC, etc.).
Settings for Analog Output: 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA 0 to 20 mA/21 Low or
4 to 20 mA/21 Low (setting /21 Low = Analog Out shows 21 mA if signal intensity falls
below Switch-Off level).
SETP (Limit contacts)
The instrument is equipped with two independent relay limit switches. These are two separate
switch-over relay contacts, adjustable to any temperature of the pyrometer’s temperature
range. The switch-status is indicated in the display with the LED’s S1 and S2. When the
measuring temperature exceeds the adjusted limit contact temperature the relay switches and
the LED indication is on.
RS (Digital interface)
Selection between RS232 and RS485. (This adjustment can only be done on
the pyrometer).
ADR (address)
For the connecting of several pyrometers with RS485 with one serial interface
it is necessary to give each instrument an individual address for
communication. First it is necessary to connect each single instrument to give
it an address. After that all instruments can be connected and addressed
individually. If parameters may be changed simultaneously on all pyrometers,
the global
Address 98
can be used. This allows you to program all pyrometers at the same time,
regardless of the addresses that have already been assigned. If the address of a pyrometer is
unknown, it is possible to communicate with it using the global
(connect only one
0 … 20 mA
4 … 20 mA
. . .