Installa� on and Opera� ng Instruc� ons
VPS / VPS-Design / SPH / VPN
Feel good through warmth from electricity -
This function is done by measuring and recording the temperature evolution within the last 30
First step - Windows open triggered:
The remote goes in windows open status ( and
temperature value blink) when, during last 30 minutes, the temperature as decreased of more
than 2°C
Second step:
During 30 minutes, if temperature rises than 0.5°C then window open status is
cleared and remote automatically comes back to current mode set point.
Keyboard locks
To activate this function, the user maintains pressing key and then presses simultaneously on
This function can be accessed in any operating mode except in parameter menu (see chapter
« Parameter Menu »
), in edit time, edit program and consumption modes (see chapter « working mode
definition ») and in menu for mode selection. Le blocage du clavier est accessible dans n’importe quel
mode de fonctionnement sauf dans les menus de paramètres (cf. le paragraphe Parameter menu).
The icon
will be displayed on the screen:
To unlock key board, the user will have to repaet the same procedure.
If there is a power loss, the configuration is kept.