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Feel good through warmth from electricity - www.technotherm.de
5. Details for opera� on of „DSM“ Thermostat
Feel good through warmth from electricity - www.technotherm.de
Feel good through warmth from electricity - www.technotherm.de
Technotherm Smart Control Manual
10.0 Opera� ng instruc� ons
10.1 Modes
The radiator can work at 3 diff erent modes:
- Auto. The se� ng temperature varies automa� cally following the programmed schedule, based on the 3
custom temperatures. The bars in the LCD display inform about which of the 3 temperatures is assigned
to each hour. This mode can be disabled in advanced se� ngs so the radiator can work only in 2 modes
(Manual and Off )
- Manual. Fixed temperature. The set temperature only changes if the user modifi es it.
- Off . The radiator does not heat, but can receive remote orders
In “
” mode when the temperature is modifi ed temporally. If you are in „Auto“ mode and you change
the temperarture, this change will be eff ec� ve for 90 minutes.
In “
” mode the set temperature will be fi xed.
10.2 Adjust programmed temperatures
In “Auto” mode the temperature of each hour will change automa� cally following the programmed sche-
dule. The user must assign one of the temperatures to each hour:
( ), used normally when the user is at home.
or saving ( ), used when the user is in bed or for brief absence periods.
or minimum temperature ( ) used for periods of absence.
To defi ne these temperatures:
Programming the Temperature of: Comfort, Eco and Frost Protection
Start screen
1 x PROG
Start screen
Comfort Temp.
+ -
to select the
Comfort Temp.
OK and
+ -
selected Eco
selected Frost-Protection
OK and
+ -
Feel good through warmth from electricity - www.technotherm.de
Feel good through warmth from electricity - www.technotherm.de
Technotherm Smart Control Manual
Se� ng the day and � me
Se� ng weekly program
The radiator allows the crea� on of a weekly programmed schedule which assigns one of the 3 available
temperatures to each hour. The program for each day can be diff erent.
Use Comfort temperature for the hours that you are at home. (Represented
by 2 bars
on the LCD)
Use Eco-saving temperature for the night hours or short absence periods (Represented
by 1 bar
on the LCD)
Use Freeze-minimum temperature for long absence periods. (Represented
by no bar
on the LCD)
Start screen
3 sec. PROG
7 x PROG
The Day is flashing.
1 for Monday
2 for Thuesday
3 for Wednesday ....
+ -
to select the
Programming the Day and Time
and confirm
with OK
The hour is flashing.
+ -
to select the
and confirm
with OK
The minutes are