Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 400A, 60Hz Ferroresonant Rectifier J85503C-3
Issue 10 July 2000
Product Description 2 - 3
Internal Selective
High Voltage
The rectifier will sense a high voltage condition at its output terminals.
If delivering more than 10 percent of its rated output, 40 amperes, the
rectifier shuts down. This high voltage threshold is user selectable via
programmable DIP switches. The ISHVSD is a backup to the selective
Backup High
Voltage Shutdown
This circuit operates if the selective HVSD or ISHVSD fails to operate.
The circuit prevents damage to the rectifier or connected equipment in
the event of high battery voltage. Each rectifier senses its own output
voltage, and when the voltage exceeds a preset value, the rectifier shuts
down. The backup high voltage threshold is user selectable via
programmable DIP switches. This circuit operates from an independent
voltage source in order to provide improved reliability of the high
voltage shutdowns.
Dynamic Response
For any step load change of 10 to 90 percent, or 90 to 10 percent, or a
step change of 10 percent of the input voltage, the sense point voltage
remains within 5 percent of its setting, and returns and remains in the 1/
2 percent band within 300 milliseconds.
For operation without batteries, the sense point voltage remains within
10 percent of its setting and returns and remains in the 2 percent band
within 500 milliseconds for any step load change of 50 to 90 percent, or
90 to 50 percent, or a step change of 10 percent of the input voltage.
Forced Electronic
Load Sharing
The rectifier is equipped with a user selected option by which the
rectifier is capable of load sharing with other J85503C-3 rectifiers to
better than 10 percent of the full load rating of the rectifier.
Safety Interlocks
A series-loop circuit electrically interconnects all of the circuit modules
and prevents rectifier operation if any circuit module is not properly
Restart Circuit
The rectifier is compatible with the automatic restart features of
2000 controllers. The rectifier will also accept an isolated
restart signal from any external source via the interface board.
Output Circuit
An output circuit breaker protects the plant from rectifier malfunction
and excessive current, and may be used to disconnect the rectifier from
the battery. The standard breaker size is 450 amperes.