Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 400A, 60Hz Ferroresonant Rectifier J85503C-3
7 - 6 Troubleshooting and Adjustments
Issue 10 July 2000
Front Panel
Table 7-B lists possible front panel conditions and describes their
significance. Tables 7-C, 7-D, and 7-E list conditions of the CM4
interface board and the associated alarm status or control function. Table
7-F gives additional information concerning conditions and their causes
on the J85503C-3 rectifier. Copy these pages for maintenance personnel
or leave a copy of them near the rectifier(s).
Table 7-B: Front Panel Conditions and Indications
Power switch On or Auto
Power LED and Output meter on
Rectifier operating normally
Power switch on
Power LED and meter off
Rectifier turned off by plant controller or
ac power loss
Power switch Auto
Power LED and meter off
Rectifier turned off by removing ground
on RM48 or CM4 or ac power bus
Power switch On or Auto
Power LED off, meter off or On
Unacceptable ac input source, either too
low or loss of phase
Power switch On or Auto
Power LED off, meter off or On
FA and RFA LEDs on
Blown fuse inside the rectifier or tripped
circuit breaker or open power fuse (fuse
alarm switch pop-up indicator in up
Power switch On or Auto
Power LED off, meter off or On
Rectifier shut down due to high voltage,
internal unbalance or internal power
supply failure on CM2
Power switch On or Auto
Power and Equalize LEDs on
Rectifier placed in equalize mode by MCS
controller or by placing short between
EQL and EQLR on CM4
Power switch On or Auto
Power and Equalize LEDs on
FLT/EQ switch on EQ
Rectifier placed in equalize manually
Power switch On or Auto
Power and Equalize LEDs on
CB1 tripped (midway between on and off)
RFA and FA LEDs on
Rectifier’s output breaker tripped or power
fuse open (fuse alarm switch pop-up
indicator in up position)
Power switch On or Auto
Power and Equalize LEDs on
CB1 off
Rectifier’s output breaker turned off