pg. 8
Indoor Station Setup
The Indoor station activation wizard is straight forward. Please follow the video to setup.
What is the difference between Indoor and Indoor Extension?
The indoor station extension is extended from the indoor station in the same house.
You can connect ups to 5 extensions to the same indoor station each.
When someone calls the room number from the outdoor station, the indoor station
“and” the indoor station extension both
Rings at the same time.
Program Indoor station and Indoor Station Relationships
You need to use NVMSv3 to program this.
In an example, I set up the Indoor Station to Room 2
I recommend clarify the device & group name with the easy
understand name when you add it to the device management.
Network > Linked Network Configuration
(Main) Door Station IP address.
Make sure to point the linked address back to the
outdoor master station.
Intercom > ID Configuration
Indoor Station
Room No:
And, I have an indoor station extension.
Intercom > ID Configuration
Station Extension
No: 1
Network > Linked Network Configuration
(Main) Indoor Station IP: point to the prior “Indoor”
station IP address.
Direct Indoor Station
Indoor Extension