pg. 2
Intercom Introduction
In-Depth Details and Programming
A large-scale installation may seem daunting when there may be dozens or even hundreds of
devices all talking between each other. However, the actual depth of networking is quite
shallow. The “Main
Station” is our center node and all other devices in an intercom
network will all eventually point back up to it.
Each device network IP must be kept in the same network region.
You must use the NVMSv3 software to connect each device in the device management first.
Outdoor Station (1 Main Outdoor Station Only)
LTS Intercom Outdoor Station consists of 1 mandatory
camera module and optional extension modules like keypad
module and card reader module. For each main entrance
outdoor station, you can add up to 8 side-entrance outdoor
stations. (Side Sub-Outdoor-Station up to 8)
Indoor Station (for Linking to the Outdoor Station)
On the 7" screen, you can view and talk with visitors in real
time, review missed call history
, etc.…
Each apartment /
house should have one mandatory main indoor station.
(each Indoor Station you can have up to 5 Extend Indoor
Station available)
What is difference in between 2-Wire Intercom model and IP Intercom model?
The 2-wire Intercom model is a standalone intercom system. It is running 2 wires to communication with each device. You need at least 3 things to make a Set.
Power (LTH-MD06-2), Main Module (LTH-M201-C-2), Indoor Station (LTH-D301GY-WIFI-2). The Power Module support 1 Main Module with 5 Indoor Station Module.
The cable distance up to 300ft max. It is totally different than the standard version. Usually, 2-wire Intercom is based on the special order.
Sub Outdoor Station
Main Outdoor Station