Substitution attempt of a child device linked to the translator
: it happens when there is a device that communicates with the
using the same RF address of another device correctly linked.
The device that caused the substitution attempt is disabled by the
and blinks amber two times and repeats the blinking
The LCD of the translator indicates the substitution attempt and, after the link fault timeout, also the link fault.
The substitution attempt and then the link fault are signalled to the control panel.
Substitution attempt of a child device linked to an expander
: it happens when there is a device that communicates with the
using the same RF address of another device correctly linked.
The device that caused the substitution attempt is disabled by the
and blinks amber two times and repeats the blinking
The LCD of the translator indicates the substitution attempt and, after the link fault timeout, also the link fault.
The LCD of the expander indicates the substitution attempt and, after the link fault timeout, also the link fault.
The substitution attempt and then the link fault are signalled to the control panel.
Substitution attempt of an expander
: it happens when there is an expander that communicates with the other network devices using the
same RF address of another expander correctly configured.
The device that caused the substitution attempt is disabled and its LCD attempt shows
Authentication failed
The LCD of the translator indicates the substitution attempt and the link fault of the expander. Also, all the child devices linked to
the expander are in link fault.
The substitution attempt and the link faults are signalled to the control panel.
To clear a substitution attempt fault:
Child device (linked to translator) substitution attempt
Look for the device/devices that caused the substitution attempt: LEDs
blink amber two times and repeat the blinking periodically.
Remove batteries.
Power off –
Power on the translator
Child device (linked to translator) substitution attempt
Look for the device/devices that caused the substitution attempt: LEDs
blink amber two times and repeat the blinking periodically.
Remove batteries
Power off –
Power on the expander to which the device in substitution
attempt is linked and then Power off –
Power on the translator
Expander substitution attempt
Look for the expander that caused the substitution attempt: LCD shows
Authentication failed
Power off the expander.
Power off –
Power on the translator