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LPS-Lasersysteme Siegmund Ruff / CEO Haidschwaerze 18 72131 Ofterdingen Germany
Phone: +49 7473 271177 www.lps-laser.de [email protected]
Classification Criteria:
Class 1
all wavelengths
safe for the human eye
Class 1M
302,5 nm – 400 nm
safe for the human eye if no optical
instruments are used; not safe if optical
instruments are used
Class 2
400 nm – 700 nm, up to 0,25 s
safe for the human eye because of
aversion response and eyelid closure
not safe if optical instruments are used
Class 2M
400 nm – 700 nm, 0,25 s
eyelid closure reflex; depending on
whether it
is a divergent or flared beam, it might be
unsafe with optical instruments
Class 3R
400 nm – 700 nm, 0,25 s
302,5 nm – 400 nm
700 nm – 10 nm, 100 s
exceeds the maximum tolerable
radiation; radiation is max. five times
higher than the limit for accessible
radiation of Class 1 (respectively
Class 2); dangerous for the human eye
Class 3B
all wavelengths
laser facilities of power up to 0,5 W
dangerous for the human eye and in
certain cases for the skin
Class 4
all wavelengths
laser facilities of power more than
0,5 W
very dangerous for the human eye and
dangerous for the skin; additionally there
is the danger of combustion