P a g e 15 | 36
LPS-Lasersysteme Siegmund Ruff / CEO Haidschwaerze 18 72131 Ofterdingen Germany
Phone: +49 7473 271177 www.lps-laser.de [email protected]
Operating Stuff
Only qualified persons are entitled to run the laser show. These persons must control the laser beam
during the show and immediately switch off the device or interrupt the laser beam in case of failure
of the device or insecure operational conditions (Push the Emergency-OFF-Button!).
The operator has to make sure that employed persons, who are operating laser products of the
classification 2 to 4 or who move in laser areas of the classification 3B or 4, are qualified. The service
personnel must be aware of the fact that the laser system can be a dangerous instrument, when it is
incorrectly or carelessly handled. It might cause irreparable damage, particularly to the eyes.
Therefore the laser system must always be operated with extreme caution and consistent
compliance with the safety regulations.
For show lasers, the operator has to instruct the employed persons on how to keep the accessible
radiation as low as possible. The employed persons have to follow these instructions.
At least once a year, the operator has to make sure that the employed persons are informed about
the dangers of laser radiation, the safety installations and the required protective measures, if laser
products of the classification 2 to 4 are operated.
The operator must not employ teenagers in laser areas where laser products of the classification 3B
or 4 are operated. Teenagers older than 16 years may only be employed in laser areas if it is essential
for completing their job training and if their protection is guaranteed by an expert.
The operator has to make sure that only employed persons who are absolutely necessary can enter
the laser area.
Medical Treatment of Eye Damage
If laser radiation has caused eye injuries, the operator has to make sure that the employed person
will immediately be treated by an eye specialist.
Misapplication/Behaviour in Case of Failure
This laser product must NEVER be operated by private persons as they cannot shield and control
laser safety areas and as children might play with the laser product.
This laser must NEVER be operated, if it is not equipped with all protective measures for a safe