For a full screen zoom view,
simply press the SONAR key
until the full screen zoom ap-
pears. Since the unit is in the
automatic mode, the
GlobalMap 2000 keeps the
bottom signal on the screen at
all times, automatically adjust-
ing the range.
If you’re in the manual mode, pressing the SONAR key gives you a 2X
zoom, identical to the one described above. However, the unit won’t track
the bottom since it’s in the manual mode. The bottom signal may drop off
the bottom of the screen, or
rise above the top. To adjust
the zoom while in the manual
mode, first press the MENU
key, the press the key adjacent
to the “Sonar Controls ...” label.
Now press the key next to the
“More...” label. A screen simi-
lar to the one above appears.
Now press the key next to the
“Adjust Zoom” label. The screen
shown below appears. Note the
zoom bar at the far right side of
the screen. All echoes appear-
ing between the top and bottom of this bar are shown on the left side of the
screen. If you wish to change this, use the up and down arrow keys to move
the zoom bar to the desired location. When you’re finished, press the CLR
An easy way to change the
zoom range is to simply press
keys. These keys work on the
sonar screen the same way as
they do on the mapping