Assembling instructions and maintenance
22004022 - 06.13
9. Electrical regulator initial settings
When the control unit is turned on for the first time and once language and time are set, a wizard request appears on the display.
This function may be closed or resumed later through specific menu functions. The setup assistant leads the user through the
necessary basic settings in the right order and gives short descriptions of every single parameter which is displayed. By pushing
the “esc” button the system returns on the previous value in order to visualise or modify the selected setting. By pushing the
“esc” button several times the system returns to mode selection, where it is possible to quit “wizard”. Finally, use the menu
“3.2-manual” in order to test outputs while every component is connected and check if the probe values are plausible. Then
reactivate then automatic mode.
Observe the explanations for the the individual parameters on the following pages, and check whether further
settings are necessary for your application.
The display (1), with its extensive text and graphics mode, is almost self-explanatory, allowing easy operation of the
To change from the overview to the settings menu, press the „esc“ key.
The green status LED (2) lights up when a relay is active, the red LED blinks when an error occurs.
Inputs are made with 4 buttons (3+4), which functions change context sensitive.
The „esc“ key (3) is always used to cancel or exit a menu.
If applicable there will be a request for confirmation as to whether the changes which have been made should be saved.
The function of each of the other three keys (4) is shown in the display line directly above the keys; the right-hand key
is generally has a confirmation and selection function.
Examples of key functions:
= enlarge/shrink values
= scroll menu down/up
= approve/reject
= additional information
= to previous screen
= confirm selection
= confirm setting
(rotates in operation)
Valve (direction of flow in black)
Temperature sensor
Heat exchanger
Load pause (see Load time)
Warning / error message
New information available
Logging is active
More symbols can be found in
the chapter „Special functions“
Display and input
Examples of display symbols
Programming assistance (wizard)