Doc: I470GB10_16.docx 18/10/2016
p. 12 / 19
Starter motor
Energise starter motor.
Fuel solenoid valve
Energise the fuel solenoid valve.
Global alarm
Output activated in the presence of any alarm with the
Global alarm
property activated.
Mechanical fault
Output activated if at least one alarm with this property is enabled.
Electrical fault
Output activated if at least one alarm with this property is enabled.
Powers the acoustic warning siren.
Commands deceleration in the start phase. Energised as soon as the engine starts, for the set maximum
Opposite to the previous function
Stop magnet
Output energised to stop the engine.
Glow plugs
Activation of glow plug pre-heating prior to engine start.
Gas valve
Controls the gas delivery solenoid valve. Opens after a delay with respect to the energisation of the starter motor
and closes early with respect to the stop command.
Choke for starting gasoline engines.
Gasoline start valve
Injects gasoline to start gas fuelled engines. The gasoline start relay is energised in parallel with the gas
solenoid valve only during the first engine start attempt.
Engine running
Energised when engine is running.
Engine cooling
Energised when engine is in cooling cycle.
Pre-heating valve
Controls the fuel pre-heating valve. See the descriptions of parameters P11.06 and P11.07.
Alarms A01-Axx
Output energised when alarm Axx is active (xx=1…alarm number).
Alarms UA1..UA2
Output energised when alarm UAx is active (x=1…2).
Engine temperature pre-alarm (analog sensor)
Occurs if engine temperature rises above the pre-alarm threshold set in P09.05.
Engine temperature high (analog sensor)
Occurs of engine temperature rises above the alarm threshold set in P09.06.
Analog temperature sensor fault
Occurs if the resistive temperature sensor is in open circuit (disconnected).
Engine temperature high (digital sensor)
Occurs if engine overtemperature is signalled by activation of the digital input programmed for this function.
Engine temperature low (analog sensor)
Occurs if engine temperature falls below the alarm threshold set in P09.07.
Oil pressure pre-alarm (analog sensor)
Occurs if engine oil pressure falls below the pre-alarm threshold set in P08.05.
Oil pressure low (analog sensor)
Occurs if engine oil pressure falls below the alarm threshold set in P08.06.
Analog pressure sensor fault
Occurs if the resistive pressure sensor is in open circuit (disconnected).
Oil pressure low (digital sensor)
Occurs if low oil pressure is signalled by activation of the digital input programmed for this function.
Digital pressure sensor fault
Occurs if the engine has stopped for over one minute, but the oil pressure sensor has not closed its contacts to
signal no oil pressure. It is assumed that the sensor is disconnected.
Fuel level pre-alarm (analog sensor)
Occurs if fuel level falls below the pre-alarm threshold set in P10.04.
Fuel level low (analog sensor)
Occurs if fuel level falls below the alarm threshold set in P10.05.
Analog fuel level sensor fault
Occurs if the resistive fuel level sensor is in open circuit (disconnected).
Fuel level low (digital sensor)
Occurs if low fuel level is signalled by activation of the digital input programmed for this function.
Battery voltage high
Occurs if battery voltage remains above the threshold set in P05.02 for longer than the time set in P05.04.
Battery voltage low
Occurs if battery voltage remains below the threshold set in P05.03 for longer than the time set in P05.04.
Battery discharged
Occurs if engine start attempts have reduced battery voltage below the minimum threshold.
Battery charging alternator fault
Occurs if the engine is running (generator voltage and/or frequency or ‘W / pick-UP’ signal detected) but the battery
charging alternator signal (D+) remains under the engine running voltage threshold set in P11.01 for more than 4
“W / pick-up” signal fault
Occurs if speed control is enabled and the engine is running (battery charging alternator signal or generator voltage
and/or frequency signal detected) but no ‘W / pick-up’ engine speed signal is detected within 5 seconds.
“W / pick-up” low engine speed
Occurs if the engine is running (battery charging alternator signal or generator voltage and/or frequency signal
detected) and is not decelerated, but the ‘W / pick-up’ engine speed signal remains under the threshold set in
P07.05 for the time set in P07.06.
“W / pick-up” high engine speed
Occurs if the ‘W / pick-up’ engine speed signal remains over the threshold set in P07.03 for the time set in P07.04.
Start failure
Occurs if the engine has not started after the set number of start attempts.
Emergency stop
Occurs if power is removed from the teCOM1 or if a digital input programmed to function as ‘Emergency
stop’ is activated.
Unexpected engine stop
Occurs after the alarm activation delay if the engine stops of its own accord, without the controller having
commanded the shut-down.
Stop failure
Occurs if the engine has not stopped 65 seconds after the beginning of the stop cycle.
Generator frequency low
Occurs if the engine is running but the frequency of the generator remains below the threshold set in P12.11 for the
time set in P12.12.
Generator frequency high
Occurs if the frequency of the generator remains above the threshold set in P12.09 for the time set in P12.10.
Generator voltage low
Occurs if the engine is running but the voltage of the generator remains below the threshold set in P12.01 for the
time set in P12.14.
Generator voltage high
Occurs if the voltage of the generator remains above the threshold set in P12.03 for the time set in P12.15.
Generator voltage asymmetry
Occurs if asymmetry between the generator phases exceeds the threshold set in P12.07 for the time set in P12.08.
Generator maximum current
Occurs if current from the generator exceeds the percentage threshold set in P13.01 for the time set in P13.02. If
this alarm occurs, wait for the reset time set in P13.05 before resetting it.
Generator short circuit
Occurs if current from the generator exceeds the percentage threshold set in P13.03 for the time set in P13.04.
External generator protection tripped
If programmed, occurs if the digital input contact for the generator's external thermal protection device closes while
the genset is running.
Generator power threshold exceeded
Occurs if power from the generator exceeds the percentage threshold set in P17.03 for the time set in P17.04.
Generator phase sequence wrong
Occurs if the detected phase sequence does not correspond to that programmed.
Generator switch fault
Occurs after the time set in P17.05 if a discrepancy is detected between the state of the controller output and that of
the feedback input for the generator switch / breaker.
Maintenance request
Occurs when the hours of the maintenance interval reach zero. See menu M17. Use the Commands menu to reset
functioning hours and reset the alarm.