Domino.Doc Transaction Template, ddmtrans.ntf
Domino.Doc Log Template, dmlog.ntf
Domino.Doc Library Template, domdoc.ntf
Domino.Doc File Cabinet Template, filecab.ntf
Domino.Doc Site Admin Template, ddadmin.ntf (for 3.1 upgrades only)
(Optional) Identify customizations that have been made to your library
and file cabinet templates (for example, DocEvents, your company logo,
custom document and binder types).
You can use a Notes diff tool (for example, TeamStudio Delta, from
Ives Development Inc.) to compare the templates on your server with the
originals in the \templates directory on the Lotus Domino Document
Manager installation CD.
Restrict server access to the administrator, and prevent users from
accessing the server during the upgrade process, by typing the following
commands at the server console:
set config server_restricted=2
drop all
Back up your Binder and Document databases (as a precaution).
Upgrade the master server.
Upgrading a master server on iSeries
We strongly recommend that you print these instructions to use as a
checklist while installing, and for taking notes on your installation.
The upgrade process on the iSeries consists of two parts:
Using LODRUN to copy the new version of Lotus Domino Document
Manager (Domino.Doc) to your iSeries.
Using ADDDOMDOC to add the new version of the software to the
Domino server.
Use the iSeries Load and Run (LODRUN) command to install the Lotus
Domino Document Manager (Domino.Doc) software on your iSeries. You
can enter the command from any iSeries command line. The command line is
the underlined area following the ===> symbol.
Perform the pre-upgrade tasks.
Start the Notes client on the administrator workstation on your Domino
for iSeries server. The administrator workstation has the user ID for the
Domino administrator who has Manager access to the server’s Directory,
with the ability to add and modify groups.
52 Document Manager Installation Guide