Enter the following command to add the secondary library:
addlible lib(qsys2924)
For details on the steps used to ensure that the secondary language can
be used, see the iSeries National Language Support book (SC41-5101).
Shut down the Domino server if it is active.
For details on stopping a Domino server, see Installing and Managing
Domino for iSeries, or the Domino for iSeries Help database (i400help.nsf).
Enter on any iSeries command line:
Press F4 (Prompt).
Type the server name in the resulting display, and press ENTER.
If you are not sure of the server name, press F4 to see a list of
server names.
Provide additional details in the expanded display:
Install type
Specify *MASTER. If you are migrating from Domino.Doc
3.1, the system sets the install type to the type that was originally
installed. If the system was previously installed as a replica, this field is
initially set to *REPLICA.
Domino.Doc subdirectory
Specify the name of the subdirectory of the
Domino server’s data directory. The Lotus Domino Document Manager
files will be copied to this subdirectory. For example, if the data
directory of the server is /NOTES/DATA and you specify DOMDOC as
the name of the subdirectory, the system creates the subdirectory
/NOTES/DATA/DOMDOC and puts the Lotus Domino Document
Manager files in the DOMDOC subdirectory. If you do not specify a
subdirectory, the system copies the files to the server’s data directory.
Press ENTER to run the ADDDOMDOC command.
Start the Domino server on the installation machine.
You will encounter an expected error (“Transaction
Manager...Initialization Failed”) at server startup until after you create a
Perform the post-installation tasks, and install any replica servers.
Performing master server post-installation tasks for iSeries
Complete the tasks needed to install the master server.
Sign the templates and databases.
For details, see the chapter on signing templates and databases.
Chapter 4: Installing Document Manager on iSeries 400 45