LRF-3000P Ultrasonic flowmeter
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File type: Text file (.TXT).
Number of files: 512pcs at maximum.
The file saved each time should be 120 bytes. If the flowmeter saves data once per 5 sec, the file
saved in 24 hours is 120*3600/5*24 = 2073600byte~2.1Mbyte; therefore,1Gbyte SD card could save
data for 1024/2.1= 487.6187 days. When SD card has not enough storage, new data would
automatically cover the earliest files.
On-line installation and mobile SD card
DO plug in/out SD card while the power of flowmeter is cut off. DO NOT plug in/out SD card while
processing data. You should process file sheets after the data is saved and stored in your computer.
If you directly process sheets in SD card files in your computer, and SD card is deleted in processing,
you may lose the data or the data may be damaged.
If you want to plug in/out SD card while the power is on, you need to:
Turn the SD switch to "OFF", and then the memory indicator dies out, at this time you could plug
in/out the SD card at free will. Plug in SD card in the slot and turn the switch to "ON", and then the
memory indicator comes on, SD card could go on saving data.
6.1.12 Product Serial Number
Each flowmeter is provided with a unique product serial number. The serial number is the unique
mark for the manufacturer and users for tracing product information and management. You could
view your flowmeter’s serial number in M 50 menu.
Please refer to “Details about Menus” for operation of other menus.