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Workshop Manual 12 LD _ cod. 1.5302.460 - 3° ed_ rev. 02
Injector setting
Connect injector to a hand pump and check that setting pressure is
210÷220 bar (258÷270 bar for EPA engines); make the required
adjustments, if any, by changing the shim over the spring.
When replacing the spring, setting should be performed at a 10 bar
greater pressure (220÷230 bar for standard engines, 268÷280 bar for
EPA engines) to allow for bedding during operation.
Check needle valve sealing by slowly moving hand pump until
approximately 180 bar.
Replace nozzle in case of dripping.
Fuel system
Injector, for EPA engines
1 Injector housing
7 Nozzle
2 Intake fitting
8 Cup
3 Shim
9 Needle valve
4 Spring
10 Sump
5 Pressure rod
11 System duct
6 Taper pin
12 Overflow pipe
When refitting tighten ring 8 nut at 50 Nm.