Logitech Harmony 890 User’s Guide
Chapter 8: Creating and Managing Scenes
Draft Sample Layout and Chapter 8 for Logitech, 2-13-08
Copyright Reed Consulting Services
Golden, Colorado (303) 526-2465
CHAPTER 8: Creating and Managing Scenes
This chapter will provide an explanation of what constitutes a “scene” (i.e. a combination of control levels
for lighting, temperature, blinds and other z-wave devices), with step-by-step illustrated instructions for
the user to:
Create custom Scenes using the paired Z-wave devices added in Chapter 6;
Map the custom Scenes to the Activities created in Chapter 7;
Update the remote and test the device and scene settings.
A subsection with examples of the activities for a
controlled system would be helpful. This could
be a continuation of one of the examples provided in Chapter 2.
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