Logicube SuperSonix User’s Manual
main menu. You will now see
OmniDiagnostic listed as an installed option.
: Once the license key is entered, an
optional software package is permanently
enabled. The key will not need to be entered
again, unless the Firmware or the BIOS are
changed on the Logicube SuperSonix itself.
: Loading new software updates will not
disable the OmniDiagnostics option.
OmniDiagnostics Features
On Error
The On Error setting determines the behavior of the
unit in the case where bad spots are detected on
the Master drive. This setting has four options,
which include:
- This mode will cause the Logicube
SuperSonix to halt if an error such as a bad
suspect drive sector is encountered.
- This is the default setting. Skip will allow
the Logicube SuperSonix to continue by
stepping over the bad sector.
- Retry option will instruct the Logicube
SuperSonix to make several attempts to read
data from the damaged area of the drive.
- Recover will attempt to recover as
many bytes of data as possible from each bad
sector that is encountered
Data in any skipped sectors will NOT be
copied to the Target drive.
On Error Step-by-Step
1. From within the Settings Menu tap
Diagnostics icon.
2. Locate and tap the “On Error Skip” icon
A menu screen appears with the
following options; Abort, Skip, Retry,
3. Tap the option setting you desire (it will be
highlighted when you select it) and tap the