Stock containing or coated with significant percentages of beryllium, cadmium, lead, mercury, or
zinc can all give off poison fumes when burned by plasma arc cutting. Do not cut this stock unless
the operator, or anyone else subjected to the fumes, wears respiratory equipment or an air supplied
helmet, or the table ventilation system is working efficiently.
Wear a proper breathing mask and use proper ventilation when cutting galvanized metal.
EXTREME CAUTION! Various chlorinated solvents decompose and can turn to lethal phosgene gas
when exposed to ultraviolet radiation caused by plasma cutting. Do not use such solvents on stock
to be cut by the Vulcan. Ask your vendor about suspect solvent formulas. Do not keep these or any
degreasing agents near the Plasma Arc Cutting System.
- Heat, sparks and slag produced by plasma cutting of metal
can cause explosions or fire. Keep fire extinguishers within the immediate Vulcan area. Do not leave
any combustible matter within 35 ft. (10 meters) of the Vulcan site!
It is strongly recommended that containers used for poisonous or explosive substances never be
plasma cut.
Be sure the Vulcan area ventilation system works properly. Never start the Vulcan as long as air
around it is laden with flammable/explosive agents such as dust, gasoline or other flammable gas,
or combustible liquid vapors. Let the vent system remove such substances first!
Quench freshly cut metal in water or allow metal to cool after cutting, before handling it, or letting
any combustible substances nearby that might be ignited by its heat.
Primary Safety Directive -
To perform any maintenance or do any work with the machine's
electrical components, always disconnect the main switch to cut power entirely from all parts or the
Vulcan, to avoid the dangers of electrocution.
Because plasma cutting requires greater (open circuit) voltage than ordinary welding, up to 300 VDC,
greater precautions against electrocution must be used while cutting.
Input Connections (Refer also to Section 1, Preliminary Machine Installation)
Install a wall-mounted line disconnect switch as close to the plasma unit power supply as possible
and fuse it according to local electrical codes. This switch allows the operator to turn the power
supply off quickly in an emergency situation.
Conform to all national, state, and local electrical codes for primary wiring sizes and types.
Be sure that input conductors are of proper size to carry Plasma Unit’s rated current.
Primary power cable must have a minimum 600 v. rating.
Do not use the system with a damaged power cord. Inspect the primary power cord frequently for
damage or cracking of the cover.
If a power cord is damaged,
replace it immediately.
Inspect the torch leads. Replace if frayed or damaged.
Never operate the plasma system unless the power supply unit covers are in place. Exposed power
supply connections present a severe electrical hazard.
Do not touch the workpiece, including the waste cutoff, while you cut. Leave the workpiece in place
or on the workbench with the work cable attached while cutting.
PHONE: (718) 605-0395 - www.hweiss.com