5. Torch Height Adjustment
- In case a Torch Assembly’s setting is ever disturbed and
needs resetting, or if a new Torch Head must be installed, The Torch Head’s ball casters and Torch
Nozzle must be set correctly in relation to each other and to the sheets the Torch will cut.
To adjust the Torch to the correct settings, place a test sheet on the table beneath the Torch Head,
loosen the two brass Torch Holder Screws (at right of Torch), loosen the two set screws (near bottom
of Torch Assembly, just above the top of the black Head Shield) and let the Head Assembly slip down
all the way, so it rests on the sheet.
Looking under the Torch, use the torch height adjustment knob to set the bottom of the Torch Nozzle
to 1/16" minimum above the sheet, and retighten the set screws. The Ball Casters and Torch Nozzle
are now in correct relation to each other, approximately 1/16" apart.
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To set the entire Torch Assembly at the correct height,
use the Knob to raise the Assembly up so all 5 ball
casters just barely touch the sheet (previously they had
rested all the way down on it). After this, retighten brass
Torch Holder Screws. NOTE: Head must be square
and perpendicular to panel, with all 5 casters touching it
after resetting. If it is not square, reset the Torch by
using the vertically pivoting adjusting screws behind it.
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