Error Codes
Er 1
Battery low
Replace all batteries with new ones.
Er 2
Movement detected
Avoid moving or talking while taking a measurement. After securing
the cuff and assuming the correct posture, consider waiting for
5 minutes to settle down before starting a measurement.
Er 3
Measurement out of range
If systolic blood pressure <60 mmHg or >230 mmHg or diastolic
blood pressure <30 mmHg or >130 mmHg is detected, the device
will indicate a measurement error showing Er 3 on the display.
Configuration of this alarm condition does not change after replacing
the batteries. Alarm Priority: Low, Display delay: 10ms, Operator’s
position: 11.81 in (30 cm) to 39.37 in (1 m) from the display.
Er 4
No cellular coverage
Move to another area, closer to a window. Use the device at a location
where you get a strong cellular signal with your mobile phone.
Er 5
Cellular connection error
Er 6
Data transmission error
Er 7
Internal error
Replace all batteries with new ones. If the issue persists, contact
Livongo Member Support.
Er 9
Provisioning error
Retake measurement. If this issue persists, contact
Livongo Member Support.